Remote Learning

We use Cooperative Learning standards, Mastery approaches, metacognition, emerging technologies and the rights of the child to provide academic rigour and promote positive attitudes to learning. We base our strategic school improvement goals on research, evidence based good practice and the expertise of educators at all levels in school.

This continues to be the vision for our remote curriculum. We continue to refine and redefine our objectives and approaches to ensure the best provision for all children.


Click here to read the Remote Learning Policy

Click here to read the Google Meet Code of Conduct

Click here to read letter about important information about Google Meet (24.2.2021)


Instructions for Parents and Pupils on how to access the appropriate remote learning:

Years 3 to 6 Pupils

Years 1 to 2 Pupils

Foundation Unit

How do children access Youtube safely? (How to turn restricted mode on)

 Some reminders: 

  • Children will have English and Maths every morning as well as a physical activity
  • They will have another subject in the afternoon Science, RE,ICT or History 
  • Children must do all activities each day but this can be at a time that suits your family
  • Each Friday is set aside for finishing work and evaluating their learning, this is very important  
  • A staff member will phone each week or more to support with this
  • All families will get a welfare call once a week 

Parents can help to support us in this by ensuring: 

  • Your child is engaged online every day and completes their work 
  • Make sure your child has the resources they need or contact school if you need support with this 
  • Speak to staff when they ring and communicate what is going well and where support is needed
  • Ensure school devices are looked after properly 
  • Try to get out for some physical activity every day 
  • Being engaged in their learning is the best mental health support children can have

Children who are persistently not engaging will receive a home visit to support and a place in school may be offered to ensure they have their entitlement of a full time education. We wish to avoid more children coming in but we will make exceptions for children who are falling behind or not being supported to engage at home.