

Blog for Parents (English)

Blog for Parents (Arabic)

Blog for Parents (Somali)


For work from the Learning+ page, please click here


Rules for Posting Comments

Remember your comments can be seen by the whole world! And are a permanent record

  1. Always be respectful in your comments
  2. The comments relate to work that has been posted
  3. Use standard English not text speak
  4. Always display your first name
  5. Do not share any personal information such as family name, address
  6. Comments will be switched off at 5pm
  7. Your parents must agree and supervise your posts

If these rules are breached your comment will be taken down and your parents will be contacted


This video offers some simple ideas on how to spend your school day at home.

Please follow the link below:


To help you access You tube if there are issues logging on


We have created additional learning links at the top of the Homepage. Please follow your blog activities every day but if you want to try something new or use as a resource you can find them on:


Learning +




Reading for Pleasure 




Safe at Home 


"The children were very enthusiastic about their learning and the value they place on their right to an education came through strongly. They conveyed a sense of empowerment and described a number of ways in which they are active learners including discussion of their targets and peer marking, “We give them a message about what was good and how to improve.” They also described how class charters support them, “It shows that everyone is one family in the class.” Learners requiring additional support have an ‘Article 12 target’ on their Access to Learning Plan to ensure that they have their say properly in the process"


Rights Respecting Schools Award © Unicef UK 2018